Hopping The Pond Again (finally!)
A hundred and five weeks ago, in March 2020, I landed back in Edmonton from India, “To stay for a week until this whole pandemic thing blows over.” I had a series of concerts in England coming up in just over two weeks, and I’d figured that was long enough for the flu or whatever to go away.
Well, it took a bit longer than that. A HUNDRED AND FIVE WEEKS longer. And it’s been quite the time. I remotely recorded an album, and eventually did some in-person recordings also. I performed a couple of times, in Edmonton and Vancouver. I wrote and prepared a show about the life of Noel Coward. I wrote two books, signed contracts with two literary agents, and got a publishing deal for the first book — it’s coming out this July — with the second one about to be pitched later this spring. I drove across the country five times. I (finally) learned to properly play chords on the piano. And also a few other new, unexpected skills….
Anyway, finally — finally — I’m off on tour again. To do those postponed UK concerts, as well as a bunch more that have been added on. Thirteen shows in thirteem days. And I thought, since there is inevitably going to be drama and suchlike on such an interesting tour, I would once again share a daily account of the trip. Sort of like a virtual postcard, just far wordier and for anyone to read.
Day 1 - Hitting the Road...Eventually
The day started early, when at 4:30 AM, an article about me appeared in the Observer (hurrah! So cool!), one of the major UK papers. Almost immediately, messages from readers started to appear. I had forgotten to turn off the phone, and once I was up, I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I knew it was going to be a long, exhausting travel day.... (READ MORE)